5 Ways to Keep Your Head and Heart Steady in Tough Times

Hey guys… Kenzie here. Hope everyone is well. 

What a time… it’s wild, scary, and most of all really uncertain. Right? None of us have ever lived through a global pandemic so trying to navigate through this challenges us in ways that feel so foreign. 

I feel positive, not naive. To be honest, before this, I was feeling really burnt out. Exhausted. Frustrated. Almost angry in a way. At what? Bills, things not going according to my timeline, being in a tiny shoe box of a studio just READY for the new space be done. THEN enter COVID-19. My world stopped. I was suddenly faced with a decision I had never prepared for, but for the safety of my team, clients, this community, it had to be done. Did I mention that I have a brand new studio about to break ground in a few weeks? Oh, and that we started on my only savings account 18 months ago that took me 27 years to build and suddenly revenue has stopped completely. And I’m still calm. Not naive. Why? FAITH. It’s times like these that the very last thing we have to hold onto is the love and promise of Jesus. The loyalty and power of community. When you’re building something alongside incredible people that betters the lives of many, it will be OK. 

So here are 5 ways I challenge you to keep your head + heart steady:

  1. Limit your intake.

    1. I mean it. It will be very easy to get lost in the lives of others. Protect yours. You will very quickly start to feel emotionally low the more you engage on socials. A tip I try to follow: 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evenings. If you run a business or work for yourself and a large part of your business is online, create your own timeframes, but create it and stick to it.

  2. Guard your mornings.

    1. The tone of your day is set in the first hour. Protect it.

  3. Sweat.

    1. It can literally be 5 minutes. Duration is insignificant. Consistency, however, is. 

  4. Get outside. 

    1. Take a walk. Sit on your balcony or your front porch. Look up and take deep breaths. You’re going to be OK. 

  5. Establish a routine. 

    1. Wake up at the same time each day. I still wake up at 6am. Drink my coffee. Then go move my body. I need that to stay sane. Figure out what your new normal is and stick to it.

I know these are challenging times. I believe with every ounce of my being that this will be the thing years down the road that you will one day look back on and say “I got through that, I can get through this”. COVID-19 is “that thing” and it is dramatically affecting our entire globe, no question, so right now it is the little things in your daily life that are going to make all the difference. 

Keep your head up. Stay home. Stay safe. We will be okay. 

Sending so much love. 




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